Rails-inspired helper that checks if vector values are "empty", i.e. if it's: NULL, zero-length, NA, NaN, FALSE, an empty string or 0. Note that unlike its native R is.<something> sibling functions, is.empty is vectorised (hence the "values").

is.empty(x, trim = TRUE, ...)



an object to check its emptiness


trim whitespace? (TRUE by default)


additional arguments for sapply


if (FALSE) { is.empty(NULL) # [1] TRUE is.empty(c()) # [1] TRUE is.empty(NA) # [1] TRUE is.empty(NaN) # [1] TRUE is.empty("") # [1] TRUE is.empty(0) # [1] TRUE is.empty(0.00) # [1] TRUE is.empty(" ") # [1] TRUE is.empty("foobar") # [1] FALSE is.empty(" ", trim = FALSE) # [1] FALSE # is.empty is vectorised! all(is.empty(rep("", 10))) # [1] TRUE all(is.empty(matrix(NA, 10, 10))) # [1] TRUE }